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Shopify Theme Blog

5 reasons gift cards are a great way to boost your Shopify store's business

5 reasons gift cards are a great way to boost your Shopify store's business

Offering gift cards is not only a great way to boost your bottom line, but it’s a great way to make your Shopify store more “gift giver friendly.” Shopify gift cards are a great solution for businesses of all sizes, especially since it makes it easier for shoppers to send gifts to friends, family and loved ones.

How to know it's time call in a Shopify Expert for help with your Shopify theme

How to know it's time call in a Shopify Expert for help with your Shopify theme

Getting your Shopify theme just the way you want it can often be done using your own time and skills, but there comes a point for most storeowners when they need the helping hand of a pro. Fortunately, Shopify has built a solid community of developers, designers and other service providers who can help out with your store.

Must-read techniques for securing your Shopify theme's store and data

Must-read techniques for securing your Shopify theme's store and data

After working for countless hours developing products and setting up your Shopify theme, it’s only natural that you want to protect your store as much as possible. Here are some frequent concerns that Shopify store owners have about securing their stores as well as offer some frank and practical advice.

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