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Shopify Theme Blog

How to bring summer into your shop: Seasonal marketing

How to bring summer into your shop: Seasonal marketing

Now that temperatures are rising and the sun is shining, many folks are looking to escape the office or malls and head outside for a little Vitamin D. But many will continue to shop online regardless so be sure to take advantage of the relaxed spirit and marketing opportunities that summer offers.

The best logo and imagery strategies for your Shopify theme

The best logo and imagery strategies for your Shopify theme

Imagery is one of the most important ways you can establish the look and feel of your brand and store with your Shopify theme, so it’s no wonder that it’s also a common area that store owners want to customize and tinker with. However, as we’ve discussed with both typography and color, there are some areas with imagery that can deliver much better returns on your time and energy.

Effective ways to use color in your Shopify theme

Effective ways to use color in your Shopify theme

Designing and setting up a new Shopify theme is exciting — and fun — but it’s also easy to get carried away with over-customizing your store — right down to the color of every button, border and bullet point. Over-customizing the colors in your Shopify theme can be time-consuming and complex to do right.

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