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Best Shopify themes for candles

When looking for the best Shopify theme to showcase a candle brand, there's no better place to start than with Superstore, Atlantic, Responsive, and Empire.

Whether it's the visually captivating banners and collection list sections of Superstore, the dynamic shipping messages and countdown timers of Atlantic, the versatile pop-up options and high-quality image display of Responsive, or the robust set of features including search and filter capabilities of Empire, each theme offers unique advantages designed to elevate the shopping experience for customers seeking to illuminate their homes with the perfect candle.


Superstore stands out as an ideal choice for online stores specializing in candles, offering a seamless blend of functionality, aesthetics, and user experience tailored perfectly for this niche. Let's delve into why this theme shines when it comes to presenting and selling candles online.

Highlight categories

Superstore excels in showcasing candle products and their qualities, especially when you use highlight banners, logo lists, and collection list sections. These are essential for emphasizing qualities and gathering products together based on various attributes like scent, color, mood, and more.

From calming lavender-infused candles to energizing citrus blends, these banners not only entice visitors but also efficiently guide them towards their preferred candle experiences.

Powerful promotions and effortless navigation

The theme's mega menus play a crucial role in simplifying navigation and enhancing product exploration—a vital aspect for online candle stores with diverse offerings.

With mega menus, customers can effortlessly navigate through different candle categories, whether they're searching for specific scents, colors, or occasions. Imagine a dropdown menu unveiling an array of candle options organized by scent families or color palettes, allowing users to seamlessly explore and discover their perfect match.

Common questions

Superstore incorporates FAQ sections with engaging accordion-style layouts—a feature that proves invaluable for addressing common queries and concerns related to candle selection, usage, and care. These accordion-style layouts not only streamline the presentation of FAQs but also add an interactive touch, encouraging users to delve deeper into the world of candles while finding clear and concise answers to their questions.

Customizable color swatches

Last but not least, the inclusion of color swatches further enhances the shopping experience by allowing customers to explore candle colors and moods with ease. From tranquil blues to vibrant reds, these color swatches provide a visual representation of each candle's hue, empowering users to make informed decisions that align with their preferences and desired ambiance.

In essence, the Superstore Shopify theme from Out of the Sandbox proves to be a perfect match for online candle stores, offering a seamless combination of features designed to elevate the presentation, navigation, and overall shopping experience for customers seeking the perfect candle to illuminate their homes and hearts.

Try Superstore


Atlantic is a top-tier option for online candle stores, offering a comprehensive suite of features tailored to enhance the shopping experience and drive sales in this niche market.

Free shipping messages

One of the standout features of the Atlantic theme is its dynamic shipping messages, a crucial tool for online candle retailers looking to incentivize customers to reach the minimum threshold for free shipping.

By displaying real-time updates on how close customers are to qualifying for free shipping, the theme effectively encourages them to add more candles to their carts, ultimately increasing order values and enhancing customer satisfaction. This feature not only streamlines the checkout process but also provides transparency, ensuring that customers are aware of the benefits they stand to gain by reaching the minimum spend requirement.

Add urgency

Atlantic incorporates countdown timers and marquee-style scrolling text bars, empowering candle retailers to showcase deals and special offers in a visually captivating manner.

Whether it's a limited-time discount on seasonal scents or a flash sale on candle accessories, these eye-catching elements grab visitors' attention and create a sense of urgency, prompting them to take action and make a purchase before the offer expires. This not only drives immediate sales but also fosters a sense of excitement and anticipation among customers, encouraging repeat visits to the online store.

Answer questions before they’re asked

In addition to promoting sales and discounts, Atlantic features FAQ sections with engaging accordion-style layouts—a valuable resource for addressing common questions and concerns that customers may have about candles. By presenting FAQs in an interactive and visually appealing format, the theme ensures that customers can easily find clear and concise answers to their queries, thereby reducing friction in the buying process and instilling confidence in the brand. This proactive approach to customer support helps to build trust and loyalty, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and long-term customer relationships.

The Atlantic Shopify theme from Pixel Union is an ideal choice for stores selling candles online. With its dynamic shipping messages, countdown timers, marquis-style announcement bars, and engaging FAQ sections, Atlantic empowers candle retailers to create a seamless and immersive shopping experience that drives sales, fosters customer satisfaction, and strengthens brand loyalty.

Try Atlantic

Brand example: Glow Candle Co.

Glow Candle Co. uses Atlantic for their candle brand. Check out their storefront here.


Responsive is a stellar choice for online candle stores, offering a host of features designed to optimize sales, enhance user experience, and foster customer engagement in this competitive market.

Pop-up power

One of the standout features of the Responsive theme is its versatile pop-up options, which prove instrumental in securing sales and nurturing customer relationships.

Whether it's offering exclusive discount codes to incentivize purchases or inviting visitors to subscribe to the newsletter for updates and special offers, these strategically timed pop-ups serve as powerful tools for converting leads into loyal customers. By capitalizing on impulse buying behavior and capturing valuable leads for future marketing efforts, the theme helps candle retailers maximize their revenue potential and build a strong brand following.

High-quality image display

Responsive prioritizes high-quality images for both mobile and desktop displays, ensuring that candles are showcased in their best light across all devices. With consumers increasingly turning to mobile devices for online shopping, the importance of visually compelling product imagery cannot be overstated.

By leveraging crisp, vibrant images that are optimized for mobile viewing, the theme enables candle retailers to create a visually immersive shopping experience that resonates with customers and drives conversions.

Inventory-informed experience

Responsive offers back-in-stock email forms and inventory display options to keep customers informed about stock levels—an invaluable feature for online candle stores with fluctuating inventory. By allowing customers to sign up for email notifications when their favorite candles are back in stock, the theme helps retailers minimize the risk of missed sales opportunities while keeping customers engaged and informed.

Furthermore, the ability to display real-time inventory levels instills transparency and confidence in customers, empowering them to make informed purchasing decisions without fear of items being out of stock.

Responsive is indeed an ideal choice for stores selling candles online. With its versatile pop-up options, high-quality images for mobile and desktop displays, and back-in-stock email forms and inventory display options, Responsive empowers candle retailers to create a seamless shopping experience that drives sales, enhances customer satisfaction, and strengthens brand loyalty in a competitive e-commerce landscape.

Try Responsive

Brand example: Wicking It Up

Wicking It Up uses Responsive for their candle brand. Check out their storefront here


Empire is as an exceptional choice for online candle stores, offering a robust set of features tailored to optimize sales, enhance user experience, and elevate brand presence in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Free shipping messages

One of the key features that make Empire ideal for candle retailers is its dynamic shipping messages, which provide real-time updates on how close customers are to qualifying for free shipping.

In the world of online shopping, free shipping thresholds often serve as powerful incentives for increasing order values and driving conversions. By displaying dynamic shipping messages that inform customers of their progress towards free shipping, Empire effectively encourages them to add more candles to their carts, ultimately boosting sales and improving customer satisfaction.

Highlight key categories

Empire excels with highlight banner and collection list sections, enabling candle retailers to gather their products together by scent, color, and other relevant attributes. Imagine a homepage adorned with visually captivating banners showcasing different candle collections, each curated to evoke a distinct ambiance or mood. From calming lavender-infused candles to energizing citrus blends, these banners not only entice visitors but also facilitate easy navigation and product discovery, enhancing the overall shopping experience.

Search and filter features

Empire offers robust search and filter features designed to scope and speed up product discovery. With the ability to search for candles by scent, color, or occasion, customers can quickly find exactly what they're looking for, streamlining the shopping process and reducing friction.

This intuitive search functionality not only improves user experience but also increases the likelihood of conversion by connecting customers with their desired products more efficiently.

Clean and clear copy

Empire incorporates collapsible tabs on product pages for key information and common questions—a feature that proves invaluable for providing customers with relevant details and addressing their concerns.

By organizing product information and FAQs in a tidy, collapsible format, the theme ensures that customers can easily access the information they need without overwhelming the page. This streamlined approach to product presentation not only enhances user experience but also fosters trust and confidence in the brand, ultimately driving conversion and repeat business.

In summary, the Empire Shopify theme from Pixel Union is a great choice for stores selling candles online. With its dynamic shipping messages, highlight banners and collection list sections, search and filter features, and collapsible tabs on product pages, Empire empowers candle retailers to create a seamless and immersive shopping experience that delights customers, drives sales, and strengthens brand loyalty in a competitive e-commerce landscape.

Try Empire

Brand example: Rockport Candle Company

Rockport Candle Company uses Empire for their brand. Check out their storefront here.

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