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Shopify Theme Blog

How to ace the dog days of summer and boost your business through the slowdown

How to ace the dog days of summer and boost your business through the slowdown

The dog days of summer (at least in North America) are here — and with it comes a slowdown in retail sales — including Shopify stores. However, a smart Shopify theme user knows that a slow season doesn’t mean it’s time to hit the beach and ignore your store — but rather a time to capitalize on extra time to help grow your business.

Using your Shopify theme's password page as a marketing tool

Using your Shopify theme's password page as a marketing tool

Building and setting up your Shopify theme and store can often be a long, strategic process, but there are some ways you can put your Shopify theme to work before you even launch by using the built in password page feature that comes with the Shopify platform.