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What to include in your online store's product descriptions

What to include in your online store's product descriptions

While great product imagery is what pulls your customer in, it’s your product descriptions that make the sale. It's vitally important to write a good product description for every product so your customers know exactly what they’re getting and they can trust that you know your products well. These descriptions should not only describe features and benefits but also convey to customers the problem your product will solve for them. 

Here are some things to include in your product descriptions to get you started:

Basic product information

What is the important information your customers should know? This may include size, weight, colours, materials, care instructions, size information, and any unique selling points. Consider FAQs and make sure that information is available.

Depending on the length of product descriptions, this kind of information is sometimes presented in bullet points so customers can quickly scan them.

Sensation descriptions

What does your product feel like to the touch? How will you customer feel when they incorporate it into their lives? How will it improve their mood, productivity, social life, or self-worth?

These kinds of questions appeal to the emotional side of shopping, the side that determines whether or not a customer really wants a product. Paint a picture for your customer about how their life will improve with your product. 

Brand language and tone

Your brand's unique selling point and story should dictate the language you're using to write your product descriptions. Make sure the same buzzwords, tone, and writing style used in the rest of your online store are also used in your product descriptions.  

Spelling, grammar, and word flow play a huge part in sounding professional. If you’re not a confident writer, find someone with experience to edit your descriptions.

Consider Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, refers to the practice of using keywords and popular search terms in your online store's copy so your store is more likely to appear in search engine results.

Simply put, you should include in your product descriptions some of the terms that your customers are typing into Google to find your products. 

How do you do that? We've rounded up our best tips for creating SEO-optimized product pages right here

Take a cue from competitors

Visit your competitors’ stores or other online stores you admire, and pay close attention to their product descriptions. What kind of language do they use? What makes you want to buy that product? Does it make sense with their branding? 

Taking inspiration from brands you aspire to is a great way to understand what you'd like to do in your own store.


Find more articles in The ultimate guide to starting an online store.