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Section by Section: 6 tips for using the new search section in your Shopify theme

Section by Section: 6 tips for using the new search section in your Shopify theme

Search is a key part of any Shopify store and it plays a key role in helping customers find the products they need — and now storefronts using the Shopify theme Turbo can add a search block to their homepage, to draw even more attention to this valuable feature.

The new section lets you add a search box section in any location on your homepage, with the following options:

Shopify theme search section

  • Heading: Optional larger heading text that helps shoppers understand that the section is dedicated to search.
  • Subheading: An optional subheading that appears in smaller type. This is great for additional copy to encourage users to get started with a search.
  • Text alignment: Place the text on the left, center or right side of the section.
  • Placeholder text: This text appears in the search field by default and is another great way to encourage users to understand what the search box is for and how it works.
  • Background image: Include an optional background image behind the section to make it stand out. Keep in mind that less of the image will be visible on smaller devices, so check out these tips for picking an image for here.
  • Search results: This general setting, which affects your store on a global basis, not just in this section, lets you determine whether the search tool only returns product results or displays results from pages or blog posts as well.

Shopify theme search box

While the search section obviously has a specific purpose, there are still some great strategies to using this on your Shopify store’s homepage:

  • Add a search section mid-way down your homepage to “capture” users as they become more engaged in your site.
  • Similarly, another good place to display a search box is right near the bottom of your page as a sort of “fallback” in case the user reaches the end of the page without seeing anything that sparked their interest.
  • When placing a search section, consider putting it near a “featured collection” section so that, if users view these collections but don’t see what they are looking for, it’s easy to see the logical next step — a search.
  • Use clear and attention grabbing headings, subheadings and placeholder text that not only explains what the section does but also encourages users to dive in and search. Get creative with it, since it’s another opportunity to reinforce your brand’s voice, tone and outlook. For example, a cheery yogawear shop may prompt users to “search for meaning, or just some leggings” to put a lighthearted spin on the notion of search.

You may also want to consider using text to give example queries that can get the user started.

Shopify search box hints

If you’re feeling creative, think of a product or image that you can use in the background that further communicates the purpose of the section. For example, an outdoors gear store might use an image of binoculars or a map, to play up the concept of search in a relevant way

Shopify theme search box

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