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Turbo 3.0 adds predictive search feature and elegant new 'Florence' style

Turbo 3.0 adds predictive search feature and elegant new 'Florence' style

Out of the Sandbox has released Turbo 3.0, the latest high profile release in its most advanced Shopify theme — and with it comes key upgrades to the store search feature, a new style and even more options to the already advanced product page layout options.

In addition to updating behind-the-scenes aspects of the theme code to optimize performance, the latest Turbo release also includes bug fixes and library updates.

What you’ve been searching for

Turbo 3.0 also introduces a set of new features geared around store search, including a new “predictive preview” site search feature that suggests results as users type a search query.

This is similar to an auto-complete or live search, so that any products or pages containing part or all of the search term entered will show up as a link in the search results dropdown, for easy access.

Shopify store predictive search

As a store owner, you can control the maximum number of suggestions that appear.

When a user enters a search term in the store search field, Turbo automatically begins querying the Shopify search database to suggest results based on product titles, complete with a thumbnail image.

Shoppers can opt to click on a result to be taken there directly or hit enter to see the full results page.

Shopify theme autocomplete search

If a search term has more results than the maximum you’ve selected, shoppers can also click a “View all results” link at the bottom of the list of suggestions to be taken to the full results page.

In addition, Turbo now features an enhanced search results page that includes a more intuitive, refined layout and optional sidebar and top banner, along with key information users need when searching your store.

With the addition or predictive store search, Turbo continues to expand its value by adding app-like features directly to the theme.

A little bit of Florence

Shopify theme page layout

Turbo 3.0 also adds a fourth theme style — Florence. Named in honor of the classical Italian city, Florence has a soft, clean, minimal look that’s perfect for everything from high fashion to high tech.

Florence Turbo Shopify theme style

It uses the featured promotions section in the top position, which is a smart looking alternative to the typical wide banner or slideshow.

Product details pages grow up

In addition to the exciting new changes with store search, Turbo includes a key update to the product.details template, increasing the number of available section types to 12 — previously, these pages could only handle five types of sections.

This means you can now use blog posts, contact forms, featured collection, featured video, maps, pages and quotes on product detail pages and, with some code tweaks, you can even create multiple product page layouts.

How to get it

Turbo 3.0 with the new features is available now via the Out of the Sandbox Shopify Theme Updater App

In order to add the Florence style, you will need to install a fresh copy of Turbo.