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Update your Troop theme and keep code edits

Update your Troop theme and keep code edits

We’re pleased to announce that merchants with Troop Themes now benefit from the unique features of Theme Updater Plus!

Merchants using Beyond, Maker, Blockshop, or Emerge themes are invited to try the basic advantages of the Updater Starter Plan or the premium features of the Updater Pro Plan.

Updater Starter Plan

The Updater Starter Plan provides basic theme management and ongoing access to the latest version in its default form. Use the Starter Plan to register your theme, then use the Install default theme version feature to access the latest release of your theme.

Updater Pro Plan

Try out the Updater Pro Plan and, with the click of the Update button, watch Theme Updater Plus copy your current theme settings, theme editor content, and customizations to the latest version. Custom code changes are also carried over when possible.

Updating a theme with modified theme files? Theme Updater Plus identifies, gathers, and compares theme files to provide a list of merge conflicts if old customizations don’t fit the new theme structure.

Supported themes

With the addition of Troop's Beyond, Maker, Blockshop, and Emerge, Theme Updater Plus now supports four theme partner catalogs and a total of 24 themes!

🔗 Browse Troop Themes

Naturally, Theme Updater Plus supports all current Out of the Sandbox themes. These include Turbo, Flex, Retina, Responsive, Parallax, and Superstore.

🔗 Browse Out of the Sandbox Themes

Back in 2018, Theme Updater Plus welcomed the Pixel Union theme catalog and supports all current Pixel Union themes. These include Empire, Editions, Tailor, Grid, Atlantic, Pacific, Startup, and Launch.

🔗 Browse Pixel Union Themes

Last year Theme Updater Plus welcomed Archetype themes and offers support for Impulse, Motion, Impact, Streamline, Fetch, and Gem.

🔗 Browse Archetype Themes

Ready to give it a try?

Install Theme Updater Plus in your Shopify store and register your Troop theme to unlock your 7-day trial of the Updater Pro Plan!

🔗 Get started with Theme Updater Plus