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The best ways to optimize text and fonts in your Shopify theme

The best ways to optimize text and fonts in your Shopify theme

When setting up and managing your Shopify theme there are pretty much an unlimited number of options, settings and customizations you can do. However, with so many available to experiment with, it's easy to overdo it.

In this, the first of a multi-part series, we'll explore key areas relating to text and fonts in your Shopify theme that are worth tinkering with and investing some time in. We'll also consider some common changes that many store owners frequently want to make, but aren't always worth the time and investment. 

Do worry about what your text says

Focus on using compelling, well written copy that’s keyword-rich; this will help draw shoppers in, answer their questions and objections and make you easier to find when users search for your products and services.

By investing in keyword-rich content and SEO optimized poduct descriptions, you'll not only be taking steps toward improving your SEO rankings, but also improving how your customers understand and relate to your products and brand. These strategies can be key in improving conversion rates and connecting better with potential and existing customers. 

Don’t worry about changing or setting every single font

Sure, you want your font styles to be legible and appealing, but at the end of the day, spending time debating which font is 'best' or implementing a custom one that requires special licensing or extra coding, probably isn’t going to make or break your store.

Using custom fonts can be tricky to set up and can also require additional expense for properly licensing the font files.

Plus, each font you use adds to page load times, which can lead to a less than ideal customer experience.

If you do decide to experiment with fonts, try to limit your store to two or three main fonts. Using Google Fonts, especially the more popular ones that are pre-built into many Shopify themes, can not only ensure you're using fonts that tend to be more readable and accessible, but also users are more likely to have the necessary files cached which means they'll load quickly.

Do spend time working on carefully crafting content

The best investment in text you can make is to focus on what your copy says and how it says it. Is it clear even to someone who knows next to nothing about your store or products? Is there an SEO benefit to it? Is it compelling enough to create interest in your offerings and entice the shopper to explore further?

If writing isn't your forte, consider outsourcing at least some of the work. You can also use freelancers to help edit and proofread your content to make sure it's clear and error-free, both of which are key factors in establishing credibility with potential customers. 

You’ll likely get much more out of spending time reviewing and fine-tuning copy than worrying about what font it's using or what size it is.

Don’t worry about adjusting the size of every piece of text

The ultimate goal of a font is to ensure your text legible. Fonts may look too big or too small to you, but keep in mind that a well designed Shopify Theme makes use of best practices in design when determining font sizes.

Changing font sizes can often have unintended effects, such as the navigation bar suddenly breaking into two lines or causing issues with responsive layouts. Pay particular attention to mobile and don't try and make any fonts there too small; legibility is even more important on small screens, where it's not always possible to zoom in to get a closer look.

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